Ndola handover ceremony
Ndola with it's 320 pupils has in fact not a single really completed classroom. They started up the building, which has now been completed many years ago but they could never bring the money together to complete it. Needless to say how happy they were to have now 3 beautifull classrooms and an office for the teachers.
We were warmly welcomed by different groups of musicians and dancers, showing their best. This was followed by a little dance competition between some pupils. The headmaster did read a letter with the history of the school, the contributions the village did to help complete this building and then a long list of things they are still missing.
After that, it was my turn to talk to the community. During my speech I told them that next year we will start renovating their second building with 3 classrooms and a headmaster office. In 2019we will build then the last 2 classrooms, this school will need to be complete. They all went through the roof and promised to make the necessary contributions to pay for the labor.
Then it was time to open officially the building. We could do this work thanks to the support of our customer Whole Foods Markets (USA). Thanks a lot over there on behalf of the Ndola entire village.
We got 2 big bags of rice as a present. We will donate those to an orphanage in Mbeya. After some more tribal dancing it was time to leave for Sumbi.